The future of our nation is in the hands of the holy and righteous God!
We have taken prayer out of our schools, out of our homes...and we wonder what is happening to our wicked generation. I understand that the times are changing. New updates in technologies everyday. But it becomes wrong when our nation changes so much...that it takes God completely out of our lives. What is happening America?! Are we becoming so busy with our lives that we can't take a moment to glance at our sinful ways and where it is taking us?! We can't blame all the turmoil on our president either! He is just a regular human like the rest of us, he makes mistakes! And God put him there. God knows what He's doing. It is our duty, believers, to pray for our nation and the president. When we stop living our lives for ourselves, America, and turn to God, then the rest of the world will see what God's peace truly is! We need people who will stand up for what is right and stop riding with the flow which leads to destruction. To them Jesus is no more the Savior and the one who America was built upon. He is simply a historical being that if you want to believe in you can. We must get back to that! Jesus must be the Lord of our nation once again! Oh America...I pray for you. I pray that God will show His mercy on you. And now that Independence Day is coming, may we remember when those colors burst into the sky, when the flag is raised and sung to, when the pledge is said, that our freedom was given by God.
Happy Independence Day America!