Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog. You may be wondering why I picked "Wings as Eagles" for the name of my blog. Well, it started in about November or December of 2011. My life was going great, school was fine, and all my friends were here and well. And I guess I wasn't expecting life to change, but it does. It was a nice night, and me and my family were at the church for some Christmas play practice. We were about to leave when my mom's cell phone rang. It was a call I will never forget. It was my Aunt Heather, telling us to stay at the church to say good bye to some girls that were leaving. They were both my good friends, I loved them very much. They went to school with us, went to our church, and was involved in everything the teen group did. We were very close. Well, that night we had to say good bye because their dad was leaving and they had to go with him. My heart was shattered, I didn't know whether to sit and cry or to just scream "Why!" As we hugged and cried, I tried to be a comfort to them, but I didn't want to at the same time. When they were gone, none of us knew whether we would see them again, ever.
That night when we got home, I was still very shaken up. I was asking "Why? Why are they gone? I don't understand!" And so, not knowing what else to do, I turned to the best thing any one could turn to, the Bible. I looked up verses on comfort, help in trials, and things like that. Then, I came upon one verse. I had heard this verse before but never applied it to my life. It was Isaiah 40:31. I kept on thinking about that verse, and sort of plugged my problem into it. I told the Lord that, I need his help. I needed to rely on Him and "wait" on Him. So I did, I gave it to him. And He did give me strength, just like the verse said! This verse became my life verse. That's why it is the name of this blog.
As the days and weeks went by, I still prayed for the Lord to be bring my friends home. But I also had to learn to accept that if the Lord said "no" to bringing them home, then He would protect them. But, that wasn't His answer, He did bring them home! The Lord worked in the situation and my friends were brought home safely! I had learned to rely on the Lord, trust in Him and wait on Him.
So, maybe my story can help you. Maybe you're going through a trial where you don't understand, you're asking "why?" Just remember that God gives "Wings as Eagles" to them that wait and trust in Him.
~Miranda R. Kastl